Gooday! [good day]

We all live together as a big University family on a beautiful campus, with magnificent colourful flora and wonderful people from many parts of the globe. We share in a common purpose of giving or receiving education, meeting new people and for most, a need to develop a future in a safe controlled environment.

I have seen too many incidents of many drivers in cars, taxis, motor scooters, and motor bikes who ride or drive on our campus without any consideration of the hundreds of pedestrians who are busy hurrying to and from classes or various buildings because of their tight schedules and needs.

A campus should be a safe haven for all of us, and we should be able to walk around with a reasonable feeling of safety; Then suddenly! That feeling is shattered by a close encounter with a delivery boy on a motor scooter going much faster than 20 kilometres per hour; You know him!! He's the one who rides his motorbike on footpaths, roads, parking areas and anywhere you and I need to walk, and, he expects YOU to 'Get Out of the Way!', or 'move aside'; We are entitled to walk on a campus, without being forced to  jump aside  or  dodge  these irresponsible riders who seem to think your roads, paths and walkways belong to him. Well, You know what? They don't! Anyplace should be a SAFE HAVEN on your UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, just like your own house.

In most campuses across the world, the campus security take swift action against such offending, careless people; and!! they are dealt with by way of a monetary penalty and/or confiscation of their machines (motor bikes). Or BOTH!

This doesn't mean that we, as pedestrians, don't have a responsibility, but we have the right to expect to be safe in our own backyard.

Be safe! And be careful.


avaniceday. ^^ {have a nice day}


Henri Johnson

Professor, English dept.

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